
E-portfolio Usrah Budi 4

Name : Einy Adliana Bt Faizal Abbas Matric Number : 1712502 Email : Social account : Instagram ; einyadliana Facebook ; Einy Adliana Hello Assalamualaikum everyone! Currently, I'm doing the E-portfolio for my Usrah Budi's subject. So, today i'm going to tell a story about my contributions toward Islam community. As everyone knows, my name is Einy Adliana and I'm studying at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and now busy preparing for my final year study. I was born on the 3rd June 1998 which means I am 23 years old now. I got 3 siblings including me, an elder brother and younger sister. My dad already passed away when I was 17 years old so, I only got my mom and my siblings. I'm mostly closed with my sister compared to my brother. Maybe because we are in the same gender so, I think she understands me better than my brother.  Some interest I've got are reading books, watching movies...

Usrah Budi 3

USRAH BUDI 3 Name : Einy Adliana Bt Faizal Abbas Matric Number : 1712502 Email : Social account : Instagram ; einyadliana Facebook ; Einy Adliana Hi and Assalamuaikum everyone! Today i would like to share with you some lessons i gain from my usrah budi 3. My usrah budi was conducted by sister name kak shafiqah and it was held in Mahallah Sumayyah for every Wednesday in evening. Although usrah budi is a compulsory subject for every student in IIUM, I don't feel like it's a burden as it helps to reduce our stress in our studies.  The first thing that we did before start our session is by reading Al-Mathurat together with other sisters. After that, we will be divided into two groups and will be given few verses from chosen surah. Actually, this activity is for reflecting some verses from Al-Quran. When we were given a few verses from Al-Quran, we have to read it and the meaning and lesson that we can learn from th...

Hey everyone!

Hello and assalamualaikum diaries! For the first time, im writing a blog. Act, i used to wrote everything on the book but now malas plk nk menulis kat buku. Tulis kat buku ada mcm2 risiko. Cthnya like yr mom, sister or your bro trjmpa diari ni then diaorg baca. For me, rasanya malu sbb sesapa pun yg baca diari kita, kita akan rasa malu especially kalau diari kita tu byk psl crush/bf/gf or what so ever. Tak semua bnda kita boleh cerita kat org sbb kekadang tk smua org faham apa yg kita rasa. Kekadang dorg prlekehkan. Tu yg plg menyampah. Sebaik2 baik pendengar adalah Allah. Only Him can understand us when everyone doesnt. Sometimes i forgot that He always stay by our side. I keep searching someone that i can rely on but actually i dont need anyone. I can only just rely to Allah. He wont leave us like everyone did. Keep that in your heart & mind Good night everyone! Have a sweet dream.